December 01, 2009

Six Dating Facts You Should Not Ignore

Most guys fail in dating because of lack of knowledge. There are certain facts in dating that they need to know and need to be prepared of especially things about women. You may have learned some dating techniques from David DeAngelo or Mystery, but you have to be equipped with dating knowledge to be able to use these techniques successfully.

Fact #1 Once a woman is not interested with you, you can never change that. So it will be a waste of time if you try pushing yourself to them.

Fact #2 Guys are attracted to beautiful and sexy women. But it doesn’t work that way with women. They are attracted to guys not because of looks but more on their qualities.

Fact #3 Common notion could be that money matters to women, especially the beautiful and sexy ones. That could be true to some, but generally, the personality is what matters most for them. Sense of humor is one characteristics of men that works great with women.

Fact #4 Women are better than men when it comes to reading body language. They’ll know if you want to get their number, kiss them, etc. and if you don’t know how to do it, you might just turn her off.

Fact #5 Men cannot be both a friend and a lover to a woman. You should let her know or feel about your intention or you’ll end up to be just friends.

Fact #6 Most men think that they have no chance of dating a woman because they don’t know how to approach them or ask them out. The thing is that there are a lot of dating schools where they can enroll and learn excellent dating skills. The trend today is joining in a bootcamp where you can witness how the pickup artist would approach a woman, talk to her, and eventually end up dating her.

Those are facts may sound very simple but knowing about them is actually very helpful. These are the facts in dating that you should not ignore even if you’ve learned great techniques from David Deangelo or any other gurus.


November 18, 2009

The Best Dating Tips For Men

Let me guess. You're a guy who searched for dating tips that would help you in getting a date. Or maybe you like this girl and wants to date her but you don't know how to ask her. A lot of guys have the same problem and they conveniently search for the answer sitting in front of their computers surfing the net. Then they would find a lot of dating tips that will tell them what to do, what to say, how to act, etc. I have to admit they can be quite effective.

You may have learned about the "cocky comedy" from David DeAngelo, the mystery method from Mystery, or the Inner Game From Neil Strauss. But I guess the best dating tip could be this:

Take Action.

You may have heard it from anybody so I wouldn't take credit for it. The thing here is that all those tips and advices you got from David DeAngelo or other famous dating gurus will be nothing if you just spend your time reading all the theories and not taking action. Some guys would actually make those research an excuse in delaying the action.

After reading some tips, you don't actually have to memorize all the steps on what you should do. You just need to have an idea on how things actually work in dating. Then you should go out and practice what you have learned. Don't worry about failure or rejection because it happens to everyone. According to PUA, Julian Foxx, you have to know how to deal with rejection and you should not fear it.

I know its never easy. So taking action could mean that you may also have to really TAKE ACTION by going to the next level. Not by directly applying the theories you've learned but by attending trainings and bootcamps wherein you can be more exposed in the dating community and be trained by real experts.

Reading all those theories will be useless if you don't take action. So go out and start having fun!


November 10, 2009

5 Types of Dating Tips For Men

In searching for any good dating advice, most of you might be expecting some do’s and don’ts or come across at some articles or videos of David DeAngelo or Neil Strauss. Surely they can be a lot of help. Knowing the basics of dating will help you get through it successfully and will have a better chance of having a second date with the same person. Though some men may need other kinds of dating advice. If you are not sure what type of advice you need, you may check on the following:

1. Beginners. These are the types of advice that are suited for beginners like the one mentioned above, the basic do’s and dont’s of dating. Like who gets to pay the bill, where to take your date, and the likes.

2. If you think you’re not a guy whom girls would likely to throw their attention at first sight, then you should check those dating tips for guys on how to improve yourself. Examples of this is how to improve your scent, to be clean or tidy looking, etc.

3. If you want to learn how other guys, especially the pickup artist, can sleep with girls on their first date, then you should be looking for seduction tips. Though these kinds of advice are more advanced.

4. Relationship advice. Some men are seeking a more serious advice and not just about dating some girls. They are looking for advice about winning a woman’s heart.

5. Understanding women. Though you will not really search for advice on how to understand women, you may still find some stuff about them. Sometimes, or maybe most of the times, it helps to know how women thinks. An interesting example of this is Julian Foxx’s explanation on how the women’s menstrual cycle affects their preference of men.

If you are really serious on improving yourself and developing some dating skills, then finding some tips may not be enough. Try attending some trainings and bootcamps. You’ll be more exposed on how things really work in the dating community. Learn from the experts.


October 26, 2009

Mystery: World's Greatest Pickup Artist?

If you're watching VH1's The Pickup Artist Reality Show, then you may well know Mystery the pickup artist. Aside from being featured in the VH1 reality show, he is also a main character in the book, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss.

Mystery regarded himself as the "world's greatest pickup artist" although some may disagree. There are a lot of pickup artists in the seduction community and some of them may be greater than him when it comes to picking up girls. But that can really be a subjective matter.

Though some guys (or even girls) would not agree with Mystery as the world's greatest pua, his works and contributions in the community are indeed remarkable. The Mystery Method, for one, has been proven to be very useful and effective in pickup. He has also contributed some terms or jargons in the community:
  • Set - A group of two or more people which a man would have to approach and befriend in order to be able to woo his "target" girl. "Beautiful women are rarely found alone."
  • Peacocking - Dressing to stand out, or to have an item of clothing or an accessory that looks interesting, allowing the girl to comment on it if she is interested in starting a conversation with you.
  • The 3-second Rule - If you see a girl you are interested in, you must approach her within three seconds or you will over-think things and create too much approach anxiety and analysis paralysis, and you will risk her seeing you staring at her.
  • Neg - A backhanded compliment intended to snub a potential mate ("target"), telegraph a lack of interest ("false disqualification"), encourage the target to prove her worth ("qualify"), and simultaneously disarm 'obstacles' such as protective male or female friends.

  • source:
Mystery is one of the founders of the Mystery Method Corporation. In 2006 Mystery left the company and ventured on his own company called Venusian Arts. The Mystery Method Corp. has since changed its name to Love Systems.

Another contribution of Mystery in the community is his book, The Mystery Method: How to get Beautiful Women into Bed.

All the popularity of a pickup artist may go to Mystery but in reality, there are a lot of great pickup artists in the community who gives trainings and conducts bootcamps to help guys in developing their dating skills. Some guys would prefer to go with underground puas because of Mystery's overexposure and too much commercialization.

Mystery is not the only one who has had great contributions in the community. Dating coach, David DeAngelo, had significant contributions in the community as well as Neil Strauss.


October 14, 2009

Julian Foxx: The Fastest Rising Pickup Artist

There are many popular pickup artists in the dating community. Most of them gives trainings and organizes bootcamps. Among these pickup artists, Julian Foxx is said to be the fastest rising star. Main reason could be the fact that he has beaten Mystery in a friendly Pickup challenge. The video has surfaced all over the internet and there were even rumors that Neil Strauss and/or Mystery is going to sue him. But that remained to be just a rumor.


You may have been impressed with the works of David DeAngelo or Mystery's live video footage but you will be more impressed with Julian's dating techniques. He has already proven his efectiveness as a pickup artist in his pickup challenge video with Mystery. His "7 Killer Dating Tactics You Haven't Heard Before" newsletter has been very helpful to guys who have subscribed in them - and that's for free. Check it out at his website,

Julian Foxx is also one of the top speakers at The 21 Convention, the leading men's success convention. Speakers share their knowledge and expertise to help men succeed with women. He also had collaborations with his fellow pickup artist, Vin DiCarlo. You will see some of their videos discussing about phone game and getting rid of "flakes."

While some men still doubt his pickup techniques, more and more guys actually believe that he's good and he's got unique strategies in pickup.


October 09, 2009

Dating Techniques From Experts

Its no secret that a lot of guys need help when it comes to dating. Most of them may not show or admit it. The internet is a good source of information and good thing about it is that you can keep your identity. In searching for different dating tips for men, a lot of you could have found out some secrets on dating, the dos and don’t, facts or trivias about girls, and of course different techniques.

Perhaps you may have also known or maybe even met some of the popular gurus like Neil Strauss, author of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Societies of Pickup Artists and David DeAngelo, author of Double Your Dating ebook, and pickup artists like Mystery and Julian Foxx. Each of these personalities have different ideas, techniques, or tips on how to pickup girls.

The tips that you can find in the internet are mostly basic. If you really want to learn and develop a more advanced dating skills, you have to go to the professionals – dating gurus or pickup artists. They usually have schools, organize a bootcamp, provide materials for learning, and other stuffs that would help their students improve in dating. Working with the professionals, especially with the pickup artists, will give you an edge in dating. Not only that you will learn advanced techniques but you will have the chance to see a live demonstration from them. Another advantage is for you to be able to practice those techniques.

In all this hype about dating and pickup, I think its not all about learning those pickup lines or advanced techniques on how to attract women. It is also about developing yourself – boosting your confidence, improving your communication skills, and eliminating some of those old, not to mention, bad habits.


September 29, 2009

Knowing David DeAngelo

Eben W. Pagan a.k.a. David DeAngelo, is very popular in the dating and pickup community. Not as a pickup artist like Mystery or Julian Foxx but as a dating expert. He was a student of Ross Jeffries and was known as Sisonpyh but he separated and developed his own methods and beliefs. He authored the Double Your Dating ebook which is a series of dating tutorials and was also the sole product of DeAngelo's enterprise, "Double Your Dating." Though he also released other products about dating like Advanced Dating series and Deep Inner Game.

Some of the dating terms that were popularized by David DeAngelo are:

* The Inner Wuss: a character trait of men developed through time that causes them to become submissive around women in order to get their approval. Pagan claims that women prefer men who are of higher status than they.
* Cocky and funny: also known as 'cocky comedy' can be called flirting, this refers to combination of arrogance and humor. A humorous mock arrogance intended to communicate with intelligence and being 'a challenge'. Pagan points out that it is important to get the balance right, as just using 'cocky' "comes across as insecure, and comedy alone usually comes across as goofy and dumb." "Cocky and Funny" is often abbreviated as "C&F."
* Counterintuitive behavior: Pagan's description of some of his techniques to attract women, as they are the opposite of what most people think is attractive. Examples of such behavior include teasing a woman offhandedly and refusing to compliment her appearance. Can also be phrased as Don't behave in a boring or predictable way.
* Life changes: Pagan reiterates that the purpose of his programs is to effect a complete personality and lifestyle change among men that will help them achieve dating success.
* Emulate the Successful: Pagan encourages the following and emulation of those successful with women. He records interviews with those very successful in dating and releases them monthly as part of a subscription service.
* Sexual Communication: Pagan's principle of a 'secret mating language' or 'secret mating dance' that takes place between a man and a woman before they can mate.
* Reframing: Restructuring one's own beliefs set into a new one, such as changing self-doubt to positive thinking.

source: Wikipedia

David DeAngelo has undoubtedly contributed much in the dating community. His methods are widely used by most men.

You also gotta read the opinion of Julian Foxx about David DeAngelo to know more truth about him.;)


September 16, 2009

Neil Strauss

American author, Neil Strauss a.k.a Style, is very popular in the PUA community. His best-selling book, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, is a great hit and contribution in the community. He's got a video with Julian Foxx wherein Foxx was challenging him in a friendly pickup contest. Strauss refused and passed on the challenge to Mystery.

Here's Julian Foxx's opinion about Neil Strauss:

In spite of his success, Neil was aware that there was one part of his life where he had dealt with constant failure: he just couldn't seem to get any action from the opposite sex. His obvious talent for writing wasn't of much assistance when it came to dating. He started researching online and found that there was a 'secret society of pickup artists' who consistently held meetings in order to sharpen their skills with women.

Strauss signed on for a bootcamp held by Mystery, and thus began the short journey that would very quickly transform into the best selling book: 'The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists'. The book was essentially a 'who's who' of pickup while the community was still in its infancy. It describes Strauss' rapid rise within the pickup community, morphing himself from Neil Strauss, well known writer, into 'Style', master pickup artist. Using the varying techniques he acquired from Mystery and a host of other gurus, Style eventually became known as the "No. 1 Pick-Up artist in the world" shortly after the books release.

'The Game' went on to become such a tremendous financial success that in late 2007, Neil wrote a sequel; 'The Rules of the Game.' Wanting to pass on his seduction knowledge to the community, Neil also created a school for pickup artists. Although it is extremely rare for Style to do 'live demonstrations' he shares his pickup ideas with the community freely.

Neil Strauss' contributions to the overall growth of the Seduction Community are undeniable.


Neil Strauss is undoubtedly a good author and his books have made a huge impact in the PUA community. It would be great also if we can see live video demonstrations from him using his knowledge in pickup. ;)


September 10, 2009

Dating Tips – If You Can’t Dance, Don’t!

So the moral of the story is…

If you can’t dance…DON’T

Now on the surface, that seems like a nice little piece of dating advice. But it goes much deeper than that…

It is a powerful metaphor that MUST be applied to every aspect of your game.

You see, as pickup artists we all have our own individual strengths and our own individual weaknesses.

Having a good sense of humor is obviously a strength and one which can be exploited when related to dating and relationships in general.

But right now I want to focus on our weaknesses… because we all got em.

There are the kinds of weaknesses we can change and there are the kinds we can’t. And it is up to you to decide which of your weaknesses are worth devoting time to improving.

But what I’m asking you to do is to make a list of your weaknesses and then go down that list and check off whichever ones are HIDEABLE.

For example, as previously stated, I am a terrible dancer… But I have the option NOT to dance and therefore not reveal that weakness. I am also a very messy eater… But I have the option NOT to take my date out to eat. (Or at the very least, I can avoid ordering the spaghetti.)

Identifying our own weaknesses is crucial, but by identifying which of our weaknesses can be masked and then doing so, we are taking our game to the next level.

So just remember…If you can’t dance…





September 08, 2009

The Mystery Method: Is It Really Effective?

Perhaps one of the most popular pickup artists today is Mystery. He has developed the Mystery Method which is used by many guys until today. The effectiveness of the Mystery Method is quite undeniable. However, time has changed and it has become too exposed or transparent to women already. They are now aware of the pickup techniques, especially the Mystery Method. So basically, it might no longer be effective to most women.

Here's a good discussion about the controversy of the Mystery Method: Click here


September 06, 2009

From A Psychologist’s Point of View

The dating tips and ideas that pickup artists have been sharing to us, guys, are indeed effective. Even psychologists agree with most of the pickup artists in the community. Take a look at this video by Dr. Epstein, a research psychologist for thirty years, about inner game and the pickup industry.


September 04, 2009

The Solution To Flaking

Probably many guys have started to go out and tried the dating tips and techniques they learned from some of the pickup artist. One problem they may encounter is flaking. It is actually normal in the dating scene. Well, pickup Artists Julian Foxx and Vin DiCarlo has a solution to that. Check out their video:


April 27, 2009

Julian Foxx Vs. Mystery

I have previously posted here about the controversial video of the pickup challenge between Julian Foxx and Mystery. It was just a teaser though. Here's the full version of it. Look closely how the two pickup artists differ in their approach to a girl.


April 22, 2009

Seduction and Dating Tips For Men: The Most Important Skill in Pickup

Out of all the questions I'm emailed, there is one that continues to surface...

"What is the most important skill to develop in pickup?"

I believe the very nature of this question is problematic. It suggests that there is a quick fix to our dating problems and that's simply not the case.

If there is one thing I've discovered in my trainings, it is this: Powerful pickup techniques can certainly help a client, but not NEARLY as much as identifying and eliminating previously existing bad habits.
Most of the time the client is not aware of these habits, and it requires some real work on my part just to convince them that they exist in the first place.

This is also what I believe is wrong with most of the pickup training or dating tips for guys out there...It teaches a methodology or system without taking into account the individual hangups that the client most certainly has.

The unique training I've developed with Dr. Robert Epstein (one of the most respected psychologists in the world) not only presents a comprehensive pickup system to master, but the exercises are individually tailored to each client.

Now before I get too sale-sy, you should know that I'm actually making a point here:

The most important pickup skill you can develop is to become more aware of your own bad habits...and come up with effective solutions to help get rid of them.

In other words, you can master every damn dating tips for men and pickup technique that you want... but if every time you open you mouth, flecks of saliva spray her in the face... you've pretty much failed no matter what.

Now, of course there are many other skills and dating advice that one could argue are 'the most important.'

For example, we are very big on relaxation here... Giving every client an arsenal of invisible ways to minimize stress in tough situations is essential.

But there is one other skill that I feel deserves mention...In fact, this is the skill that in my not-so-humble opinion separates the men from the boys in the dating game:

The ability to cope with resistance.

Lets face it, most of us have had an easy lay at one point or another. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about...It was just ON...You liked her, she liked you, you were horny, so was she... Escalation to sex was as smooth as butter.

This kind of lay doesn't impress me at all.

Not that I turn it down when it happens, of course;)

What impresses me is how a client performs in the face of real resistance. In other words, she is blocking your attempts to push the relationship forward. Oftentimes this resistance is a result of a mistake you might have made.

And we all make mistakes, so get used to it.

The best seductions I've ever done were always the ones where I made a critical error...and was able to recover.

So the next time you screw up on an approach or a date, remember that it is actually an incredible opportunity to see if you can bounce back...


Julian Foxx is considered by many to be the fastest Rising Star in the pickup artist and dating community. His jaw dropping effectiveness with women is matched only by his ability to innovate powerful new techniques, giving their user a ridiculously unfair advantage. To discover cutting edge dating tips for guys check out


March 27, 2009

The Pickup Artist Sits Like A Procurer To Avoid Anxiety

Don't you feel anxious towards a girl even just talking with her on the phone? If not entirely, there could be times when you get into an awkward topic, or that you may feel tensed or pressured in a certain moment. Some girls tend to be really dominant especially in a conversation, and this is just on the phone. That's why some guys would get intimidated by them.

So here is one of the most simple dating tips that will instantly pump up your phone game...

This technique is called: 'Sit Like A Procurer'

Yeah, you read right, but bear with me for a minute.

Just before you call a lady you may be interested in (or perhaps she's calling you), it is extremely helpful to sit down, and get into a comfortable 'Procurer-like' physical position. If you are not sure what that looks like go watch 'Hustle n' Flow' or turn on BET.

The key to finding your own personal inner Procurer is one thing:

Comfort. Physical comfort is your gauge. If you like to sit in the couch with your legs crossed, then go ahead. I personally like to lean back, stretch my legs out, and take up as much space as I want.

If you have a plush couch or comfy chair (or anything really) go ahead and give this technique a try RIGHT NOW. Maybe grab a rocks glass and try it with a drink in your hand if it helps. Practice it until you've got it.

Phase 2: Now call a girl you've been interested in, but make sure you are 'Sittin' like a Procurer.' Stay in position throughout the phone call and notice if and when you begin to reflexively change into a less comfortable position.

What you will probably find in this dating advice is that this new 'Procurer-like' physical position is going to accomplish two things:

A) It will automatically put you into a more dominant and relaxed frame. This will give you a clearer mind that will make you think of some appropriate conversational skills to use towards her.

B) It will help to relieve any excess anxiety you may be experiencing over calling her.

Remember: If you are really physically relaxed, it is a lot harder to experience emotional distress.

WARNING: Do not take this too far! The exercise is 'Sit like a Procurer' NOT 'Smack her in the face if she don't got my loot!'


March 24, 2009

Seduction and Dating Tips - The iPod For 2 Technique

We somehow feel that awkward moment during the first few minutes of meeting our date. But of course, we eventually get the hang of it. To help get you through those occasionally awkward first few minutes of a 'date,' here is a Super simple dating advice from the pickup artist. Although it can be used at any time throughout the meeting.

Julian Foxx calls it: 'Ipod for 2'

Now this dating advice works in almost any environment and most situations.

So here's a scenario: You've just met a girl by the subway station near your house. (you got her to come to meet you right?:) It is your first 'date' and you are wearing an Ipod. You say your Hello's, and begin some playful banter.

Step 1: As you are walking along the street towards your destination, you say "Oh Wow, you have got to listen to this."

And hand her just one of the earbuds. (If you're feeling bold, go ahead and stick it in her ear for her;) The key is that the other earbud stays in your ear, preferably the one closer to her...

Step 2: Play whatever song you want. The trick is to share something with her that you genuinely enjoy listening to and are hopefully even passionate about. Just don't play U2's, "With or Without You" because that would just be lame.

In fact, to be on the safe side, stay away from anything too lovey dovey sounding.

Step 3: Just be with her as the music plays and keep heading towards your destination. (Doesn't matter if you're stationary or sitting down btw)

The benefit of this technique is twofold;

1. You are sharing something with her that has meaning to you. This sets the stage for her to share something personal back.

2. It isn't possible to share Ipod headphones and NOT be constantly touching the person you're sharing them with... The more music you play her, the more comfortable she is getting with your touch. And it is totally incidental! (How else could you both listen?)In other words, you have a legitimate and excusable reason to be that physically close to her. 'Ipod for 2' is one of the most simple yet effective dating tips for men that you can even use it anytime throughout the interaction, so don't feel obligated to try it at the very beginning.

In fact, if the date is going well it has much more potential impact when used after some initial bonding has occurred.


March 19, 2009

Dating Advice - The 'Perfume to Her Room' Technique

Here's a super effective dating advice from Julian Foxx that we've had a lot of success with:

It is called, the 'Perfume to Her Room'

You can usually use it on a first date, but for the more advanced it can also be used immediately after opening her. Lets assume for this example that you are meeting her at a bar for a date and you've just walked in. (Because naturally you were later than her right?;)

Step 1: Establish a reason to get physically close to her. (hug, high five, doesn't matter)

Step 2: Notice her perfume.

Step 3: Say something like: "Oh my God, what is that?? That smells amazing!" Even if it stinks. You now have a legitimate reason to continue smelling her throughout the evening.

Step 4: Look for opportunities throughout the interaction to keep smelling her. You can say something like, "Man, your perfume really is great, I gotta smell that again." Don't ask for permission to smell it, you simply can't resist!

Providing you are both having a decent time this trick will allow you to smoothly transition from innocently smelling her to eventually nuzzling your face in her neck. Now at some point she will become totally conscious of what you are doing...but that's okay! Usually by the time that happens you've already created a good amount of intimacy and she is fine with it.

So you may be wondering, 'how many times over the course of a date should I actually smell her?'

As many as you like. Usually pickup artists are in the ballpark of 4-8. The important thing is not how many times, but whether or not each time is progressively becoming more intimate.

You may also be wondering, 'when is the best time to do it?'

You may save it for right after a highpoint in the interaction. (A shared laugh, a moment of meaningful eye contact, etc.) However, these dating tips can also function as a failsafe to pull out of your back pocket if you run out of things to talk about or you want to change the subject.

And finally, what happens when she says, "I'm not wearing any perfume." Simple adjustment: Do everything explained above just change the word perfume to soap or even natural scent. Ex: "Not perfume?? No way, I don't believe you. Let me check again... (you double check;) Well, you've got the best damn natural scent I've ever smelled. Wow."


March 13, 2009

Dating Tips For Men: Improving Your Calibration

Guys usually talk about calibration. Most dating tips for men include such thing. But what does calibration REALLY mean in relation to dating?

You could open the dictionary and easily look up a dozen different definitions for the word.

But there is one in particular that the pickup artist should put in mind:

cal·i·brate [kal-uh-breyt] -verb

-to determine the correct range for (an artillery gun, mortar, etc.) by observing where the fired projectile hits.

Please read that again because it is a perfect analogy for what we are trying to accomplish in a seduction.

Every guru and their mother make reference to calibration but tend to be extremely vague when talking about how to IMPROVE IT.

There are a lot of sorts of crap, everything from "You just have to practice more" to "Calibration can't be taught, that's why naturals are naturals."

Such bullshit. If I could put a sound effect in right now it would be that annoying buzzer from Family Feud.

Of course calibration can be improved! And here's a technique that will do it. This dating advice is called:

'Imaginary Action Reversal'

In a nutshell it's quite simple...

Before you start down a risky conversational topic, send a text message, make a phone call, go in for the kiss, or any other assortment of actions you might take with a woman, it is useful to IMAGINE that whatever you are about to do...she does to you instead!

Then ask yourself:

"Did I just get MORE attracted or LESS attracted to her?"

And finally, allow your intuitive response to guide your decision whether or not to make the move.

Think about it...

Who is the best judge you have to determine if an action is 'attractive' or not?

You guessed it, it's YOU.

They say men are from Mars and woman are from Jupiter or whatever, but we sure got a lot of things in common and one of those things is definitely attraction.

Behavior that normally turns me off, usually turns a woman off. And behavior that normally turns me on, usually turns a woman on.

We are not as different as society has us believe.

So if you'd like to take your own calibration to the next level, here is a quick recap of the steps:

1. You get an impulse to say or do something that relates to her

2. You imagine HER saying or doing it to YOU

3. You pay attention to your own emotional response (to the image) and let the quality of your response determine whether or not you go through with the action.

Easy as Pie.

Practicing this exercise is simple, fun, and an amazingly effective way of developing pin-point calibration.

PS: Depending on the situation, the amount of TIME you have to use the technique is a factor. You don't want to interrupt the flow of a good conversation if you don't have to.

Just be confident that the more comfortable you become with Imaginary Action Reversal, the faster you will get, and eventually it will become something you are always subliminally aware of.


March 09, 2009

Dating Tips: An Effective Technique From The Pickup Artist

The following dating tips are plain ol' dirty. Some men may not even find it worthy but hey, this is proven to be really effective. So its worth a post in here.

This dating advice is called, 'Yourspace IS Myspace' technique. Obviously you will have to indulge yourself into some social networking sites or online dating profiles like myspace, facebook, etc. to make this technique work.

Let's take a look at this typical seduction scenario...

Once you have been able to get her number, you will either start to text or call her, getting her on the phone. Either you text or call her, your goal is to find out specific things about her like the things she's interested to or passionate about.

Learn from these few examples that you should be after:

'She loves The Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger, she craves for a strawberry ice cream, she is into photography, etc.'

Meanwhile, as we progressively collect these information from her, we should also be simultaneously logged in to our Myspace account. What do we do then? If you guessed to quickly edit our personal details, then you got it right, we should match it to hers.

But you should not of course copy it plainly. Use more of your imagination here. For example, if she said she loves The Dark Knight movie because of Health Ledger, put in your profile that The Dark Knight is one of your favorite movies. Then add in parenthesis - (Heath Ledger made it more fantastic).

Next thing to do after gathering two or more personal information from her, accuse her of stalking into your myspace profile (remember that you should have already made the changes in your profile by this time).

You can tell her that you already think she's awesome and she don't have to pretend that she has all of those things in common with you. Naturally, she might sound surprised and deny it. Then you can reply back "okkk..." still with a tone of disbelief. When she asks for your myspace, reply something like, "I think you already know, but just for kicks its******." She will then check on it and will be totally surprised.

You may realize at this point that you already have created an instant bonding between the two of you. So, in this technique, she did not only buy it but you will have a higher perceived status because she still have to persuade you that she was not trying to seduce you.

At some point, do acknowledge with her that there is something pretty special going on and discard first the 'playful suspicion.'

Now when you reach the point where you both get excited about the things you have in common, it is a good opportunity for you to make plans for your date. Good thing about this is that you will have various options as to what to do with her; meet in an ice cream parlor, watch a movie, etc. The point here is that you have an idea on what to do together simply because "you both love so many similar things."

I told you this technique can be considered a bit underhanded, not to mention, cheesy. But what matters is most is that it works!

You do have to make sure that your Facebook or Myspace profile settings that allow people to see when you've made updates to your profile is off. Also, it is very important that she has never really seen your profile yet.


March 03, 2009

The Pickup Artist Knows How To Deal With Rejection

Perhaps one of the crappiest dating tips for guys is what some people call the '5 for 5.' It says that the true master pickup artist can sleep with 5 out of 5 girls he approaches. If you are not a Master pickup artist, then you'll be regarded as an AFC. Nothing in between.

That way of thinking is just plain ridiculous. Perfection in pickup DOES NOT exist. Well, perfection does not exist in this world, anyways.

Though this belief is good for business. If guys who study this stuff believe in this crap, it means more profit for those who sell products, workshops, etc. The '5 for 5' concept is just no true even if you ask a famous pickup artist.

However, what we must understand is that these workshops and products for pickup can really help us improve. A shy, unskilled guy can be transformed into an effective pickup artist if he wants to. Its just that we must not fall into this belief of perfection because there is no such thing. The '5 for f' belief can destroy those guys who train to get better. Why? Because the '5 for 5' concept is an unattainable goal for them.

To tell you the truth, the pickup artist faces rejection as well, even if he's the greatest one in the field. That's for real. If you get to sleep with 20% of the girls you pursue, you are already a great pickup artist and even on the 99th percentile of guys.

The real sign that a pickup artist is indeed a great one, is how he deals with rejection, not how little he deals with it.

There are different skill sets that composes that effectiveness of the pickup artist. Like slices of pizza, each part is relevant to your success. One of these important skills is how he is able to deal with rejection. So it is as important to practice dealing with rejection as practicing a new conversational skill or improving our energy. It is an important part of the pickup artist training to cope with rejection in a productive manner and is a vital part of the game.

It is very crucial to learn how to deal with rejection. If you deal with it poorly, rejection can be debilitating. But once you have properly harnessed it within yourself, it has the power to be our greatest teacher.

That's an important dating advice that we should always keep in mind every time a girl says 'No.'


February 25, 2009

Dating Tips On How To Improve Your Scent

It is time to talk about hygiene guys.

According to scientific data, women choose their mates due to perceived strength of the man's immune system. It can also give a better chance of survival to her offspring. Recent research also suggests that the SCENT of a man determines his immune system's strength.

You may wonder how it all relates to dating. Well it is one of the factors that gives a high impact to the level of success you have with women. Some factor could be your posture, social circle, fashion sense, and of course your looks.

The point here is that there's no point mastering every dating skill if you are still funky or something. So here's something to work on yourself. Its a bit risky and well, scary but it will be worth it.

First off, find a person whom you can trust with and ask them you need a serious favor. Then make them swear that they would be completely honest with you. After that, get close to them - really close - and exhale directly into their face without warning them. You don't have to 'blow' into their face but make sure you go "hhhhaaaaaahhh," right from the back of your throat.

Important that you know the truth. Ask your friend to rate your breath and body odor on a scale of 1-10 - with 10 being the highest - so as to get an honest answer. That way, you'll get a more honest answer.

Here are your dating tips for a real fresh breath aside from listerine, flossing, and brushing:

1. Use a tonge scraper - get the ones that are long and wirey looking and not the ones that are attached to a toothbrush.

2. Mint-a-sure - these are little capsules you swallow that gives you fresh breath from the belly. If they are not available in your local drugstore, get them online. You don't have to chew a gum with these ones.

For a Great Smelling Hair:

3. There are a lot of known good brands of shampoo and conditioner for men. But it will not be effective for you unless you really scrub it into your scalp with your fingers.

For a Great Smelling Body:

4. Use a loofa or exfoliating gloves in the shower along with soap and then a body wash.

5. Baby wipes - use them after you take a crap. You might hesitate on this one but girls will feel a lot better about putting her mouth where the sun don't shine.

6. If you have an underarm odor issua, try shaving (or trimming) your armpits. They will look better and will work in your anti-perspirant as well. The armpit hair can serve as a barrier to your anti-perspirant.

7. Then again, if underarm odor is an issue, you can also use prescription strenth anti-perspirant like Certain Dri. Apply it before going to bed but make sure not to put too much of it.

Following these dating tips can increase your level of success to women plus you will smell better to people around you. This will also help us boost our confidence because we know that we smell great. In the pickup artist and dating community, confidence is one of their secrets. So we should have it with ourselves as well.


February 23, 2009

Dating Tips For Men: Know How To Meet Attractive Women

Most men think that they aren't lucky enough to be able to meet beautiful and sexy women. Unlike in the pickup artist and dating community where most men find it easy to meet beautiful and sexy women.

These men aren't lucky. Yes they aren't. They just have the knowledge and the skills when it comes to women. The ones who's got the good looks may really be lucky, but all that matters is the strategy and the skills.

I just found a real effective way on how to meet the most attractive and hot women. Though it is very much applicable if you live in a fairly metropolitan area. So this will not work if you live in a farm.

So for those who are near or in the metropolitan area, here's how to meet beautiful women.

First, search for newspapers or websites in your area that cater to actors or models. Living in New York City can give you more options. The Backstage, The Ross Reports, and many others. Once you do this, you can then use them to identify the major casting offices and modeling agencies near or within your area.

Then, check for the advertisement and know when will the next audition or castings will be held by a particular office. These are the probable times when hot girls would go to.

Such advertisements that you should look out for are:

"Short Indy Film - Drama - Looking for male lead and also looking to cast 3 gorgeous blondes as main characters. Must be busty and comfortable with nudity. Auditions will be held at..."

You should definitely go to that one. Or to ads like this one:

"Models Wanted! New Agency is looking for the newest and hottest talent, come wearing form fitting clothing..."

Then you show up to the venue. Best thing to do is go to a coffee shop nearby the office or event and start watching or rather selecting for the girls you want to approach as they leave the casting. But if you'd like to go to the casting, then its up to you.

This could be such a big thing to do just to meet these beautiful and hot women. Well, you want to meet beautiful and hot women, right? Why not go to a place that has the most attractive and hottest women that you can bump into?

Follow these dating tips if you really want to meet beautiful and sexy women. There could be other places flooded with such women, that's where you should be spending most of your time.


February 17, 2009

Dating Tips For Guys: Effective Ways To Succeed With Hot Girls

Have you ever thought how you do with the most attractive girls out there? Did you measure your success rate with them? Then compare them with your success rate with the average or the ones slightly below their level. You may not be surprised to find out that you do well with the ones that you just kind of like to. This actually happens to most men.

What we think then is that these hot girls are more selective than the average ones. If you think about it, it does makes sense. But this sounds more like an excuse for us. Because these girls aren't as choosy as what we've thought them to be. Our own behavior is what actually changes when it comes to these attractive girls because of what we think of them. This may sound cliche but it is actually true. We just sometimes feel intimidated because of their appearance and maybe status in the society especially when they're really popular.

So how do we deal with it? Here's one specific way:

Whenever you put a number of that hot girl on your phone, how do you name them? We usually put something like, "Sexy Monique," or "Scarlet Hot!" This kind of classification can affect our behavior in a subtle but negative way. For example, when you make a call to "Sexy Monique" you will feel more adrenaline than when you simply call "Monique."

So here's a dating advice from the pickup artist, Julian Foxx, its what he calls, "Reverse Classification."

Whenever you get a hot girl's phone number, look at her closely, and imagine what her juvenile class mates used to call her. If she's got nice fake breast, may she was flat as board and they probably called her "wall chest" or something. If she's tall and blonde, perhaps they called her "Monique Big Bird."

Now that you get the idea, next step is to store her name in your phone in that way (Scarlet Wall Chest, Monique Big Bird, etc.).

It will not only reduce any anxiety you feel whenever you call her, but it will also lessen your anxiety towards her when you're together. This can also help you gain more self-confidence and feel less intimidated around her.

Remember, these attractive girls are not really selective, its us who think that way and that's what keeping our success rates with them low. There could be other ways to overcome this aside from the "Reverse Classification" method. More dating tips soon.


February 10, 2009

A Pickup Challenge Video from Julian Foxx

Names like Julian Foxx, Mystery, and many others are hitting up the pickup artist and dating community. The pickup artists are known for their expertise in women. Here’s a controversial video of Julian Foxx challenging Style for a friendly Pickup contest.

The second video though cannot be posted here because I got it from So if you want to see it, visit the site and sign up for the video. Just provide them with your email and you will receive it in an instant. I just got my copy and its real cool. Check the video and there are some dating tips for guys to use effectively on women.


February 06, 2009

The Benefits of Being Early

Tardiness is something that's really normal to most of us. Most common situation could be in school for students. Even I have always been late whether it was a doctor's appointment or a party, I always find myself asking for apologies.

Tardiness in fact has become a way of life for most of us. Some don't care about it and are even proud of it. For those who are used to it, its easy to get their selves out of trouble most of the time.

Here's a realization for all of us though: the amount of opportunities we get are directly correlated to how EARLY we are to things.

Here's an example situation:

I had a dinner meeting with a client at exactly 8pm and there I was, bursting my way out of the house when I suddenly remembered that I have changed the clock the night before. So I checked at my wristwatch and I wasn't late yet. In fact, I have some more time to kill.

So being early was something new to me. So I took my time getting to the place. I stopped into a coffee shop first and picked up some coffee.

Then I got myself with about half a dozen girls, and two of which I actually ended up sleeping with.

That's how I realized that if hadn't been running early, I would never have met those women. Also, it was a very relaxing state for me being early which was clearly perceptible to the women I have been chatting with.

Through this, I have also realized that my behavior pattern before had lost me some opportunities. Because every time I was running late to something I couldn't get to talk to some girls I saw. I always ran out of time and that is my excuse as always. However valid it may seem, it was still an excuse.

With that excuse, the solution was very clear and its my dating advice for you guys:

Start being early!

We usually meet women on our way to somewhere. Since most of us are not full time pickup artist, it is not as easy to approach women and chat with them as how the pickup artist do it. So being early would give us more time to meet people especially women.

So you'll thank me later with these dating tips of mine if you get to meet more women by being early. Though there are instances where its fine to be late and that's a date with a woman.


February 04, 2009

Dating Tips For Men: How to Avoid Anxiety on Your Date

Anxiety has always been a hassle when we are dating. It keeps us from doing some tactics in impressing or maybe seducing our date - be it a learned or practiced tactic. It makes us forget the things that we practiced or some things that we have planned to do. Sometimes, anxiety is even visible in our face - sweating, blushing, etc. So to avoid feeling anxious around your date, here's a quick dating advice:

This is a technique that the pickup artist, Julian Foxx, calls "Imagine that..."

From the title of the technique, you can almost guess how its done. Yes, this is the time to use your imagination. Simply imagine something specific about her.

For example, If you are square-faced. You might like to imagine that she's totally head over heels when it comes to square-faced men. Or if you're wearing a black shirt or polo, try to imagine that its a total "turn-on" to her.

If she is particularly a redhead, imagine that her high school friends or school mates call her "Ginger."If you notice that she's got some mannerism like adjusting her shirt more often, or fixing her hair with her fingers, run your imagination through them. You can interpret these mannerisms in your own way. So everytime she adjusts her shirt could mean she's feeling horny at the moment. When she's fixing her hair with her fingers, she could be really into you or something.

But before you get too excited in practicing, applying, or experimenting this powerful technique, here's a reality check:

1. Remember that this is just a technique for you to reduce or avoid anxiety while you are around her. This is designed to boost your confidence. So these visualizations that you will have are for you alone to be aware of. These aren't real in the first place. You wouldn't actually give away your imaginations by calling her Ginger or assuming that she's really into you. So be careful.

2. The above examples are just mere examples. The "Imagine that..." technique will be more effective if you apply it according to your own situation. As what Julian Foxx said, "I call it 'Imagine that...' because you have to use your imagination to come up with your own unique visualizations."

Now you have the idea, all you have to do is use it. Its really useful when you have a date or you want to approach some women you really like.


January 29, 2009

The Preemptive Friendzone

Most guys are afraid of what we call, "the friend zone". But for the pickup artists, it isn't something to be afraid of. Take it from the pickup artist himself, Julian Foxx. Here's another one of his dating tips:
I have often heard members of The Seduction community express the idea that ending up in the 'friend zone' is sad news. Usually when I hear it mentioned in a workshop the fear becomes tangible. I'd like to permanently change how guys interpret what the 'Friend Zone' really is. It definitely isn't something you should be afraid of as long as you are the one in control of it. We're about to make friends with the 'friend zone' so hang on tight...

A while back I met a very hot redhead named Amy at a club. We really seemed to hit it off and I got what I considered to be a solid number close. Our first date was set. So the next night we met for mojitos at a little restaurant when I observed something odd; no matter what I tried there just wasn't much magic happening. Truth be told, regardless of how skilled you become, it is impossible to mesh perfectly with 100% of the ladies you date. So what now? This is where a little solid calibration comes in handy. I believe what many men would try is to 'push through' and continue attempting to create the chemistry with her until either it happens, or it doesn't and she blows you off. Sound familiar?

So there we are sitting together in a plush leathery coach and I knew I was at that very crossroads. I really did want to take her home but I was aware if I continued to escalate that the chances of her blowing me off were very substantial. So I impulsively made the decision to try something new. I unleashed what I now call the 'Preemptive Friendzone' attack. Before she had a chance to reject me outright I very warmly and sincerely friendzoned her first. The warmth and caring with which I did it was the key. The objective wasn't to make her feel bad simply to feel like I rejected her first. My goal was to actually become friends with her. Let us briefly examine some of the more obvious benefits of having a hot female friend:

A: They will become an invaluable feedback resource for you. No one is going to give better information about the finer sex and how to attract them than a lady herself!

B: She becomes your Wing. You can and should assign them the job of hooking you up with other hot girls. Sorry guys, but I'll take one of my lady friends any day of the week over the best PUA wingman.

C: There is a good probability that she will start lusting after you. As a matter of fact, it's quite likely to occur eventually. I believe the reason for this is that once we are 'just friends' with them we release a lot of the pressure on ourselves. We no longer feel that urgency to attract them or make them comfortable or do whatever it was that you were doing that wasn't working in the first place. I don't like clichés much but it actually becomes easier to just be yourself.

Now if there is one thing that a hot girl is not used to it's the guy telling her first that he just wants to be friends. She will be so confused, and every bit of it is to your advantage. The trick is to really mean it. You should not use this technique and be thinking 'gonna get her in bed later, gonna get her in bed later.The ladies aren't dumb and she will definitely notice if you are transparent. Simply let her go (at least for a little while;)as someone you are pursuing and just think about the dozens of other women she will introduce you to.

So I said to her, "First of all, I think you're very chill. And you're definitely very attractive too, I just feel like were really meant to be good buddies or something." Pay close attention to her reaction, it will almost always be poorly masked shock. And from here you will find that the transition to a new and mutually beneficial friendship is relatively simple. Providing you have some basic social skills she will most likely hang out with you again simply because you friend zoned her first and by doing so tipped the status seesaw more in your favor. Just make sure that you are not deceiving yourself here. Are you truly behaving like a buddy would when you are together or are you still 'gamin her?'

Here are a few telltale signs that indicate for me that I am really amongst friends: I burp a lot. I have lots of playful touching going on. I have no problem saying pretty offensive things. I am free to share my personal thoughts and feelings, etc... So just to sum things up: the friend zone should not ever be your goal initially. This technique is to be used when you are dealing with inevitable meltdown. That being said, you will find that cultivating hot female friends will have incredible benefits to your social life and love life as well.

Have fun,

Julian Foxx

PS: To this day Amy is still a good friend of mine somehow, even after I dated her sister;)


To check out some more dating innovation by Julian Foxx, go to:


January 28, 2009

Dating Women Simultaneously for Unexpected Reasons

While some guys want to date as many girls as they can, there are those who want to date the one girl for them. Would you believe if I tell you that you might find her if you date multiple girls? Here are good dating tips for guys out there who would like to find the right one for them. This article is again from Julian Foxx.

Many of you reading this right now probably need very little nudging from me to recognize many of the more obvious benefits of having a lot of girls on your radar. Despite this, it can still be very helpful to look carefully at the reasons why. And for the men out there desperately seeking 'the one' I strongly urge you to read on.

If you are going after lots of girls, one or two rejections is no big deal. If I am actively pursuing 10 girls at the same time and two of them flake I have a wonderful place to refocus my attention: 8 other lovely prospects. In fact, if you view your failures as learning experiences than you can take whatever you may have learned from the two flakes and instantly apply those lessons to subsequent interactions. In essence, failure can become exciting and fun! (Although clearly it should never be your goal)

There's an old joke that always stuck with me: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice! Practice makes perfect. You don't come out of the womb with great seduction skills. It is comprised of many learnable skill sets and therefore takes a certain amount of dedication. The more women you are pursuing, the more opportunities you have to make connections between situations and occasionally have a revelation or two. Back when I was a wee babe I played the piano and made sure I had an hour daily to drill the scales. Now I set aside an hour or two a day to text and make phone calls to my prospects. And in the evenings I'm out with many of them 'practicing' in person. The point is, the more women you are actively pursuing, the more practice you are getting and the faster you will develop.

Building on practice is this key idea: Having multiple girls in your sights encourages you to experiment and take risks with them. I cannot overemphasize how essential this idea is. Knowing that we have 'backups' in place can fuel us to take risks that we would normally hesitate on. We can use this newfound freedom to try out new techniques. We can use it to actually go with our impulses instead of blocking them.

All of the most important discoveries and breakthroughs I've made have been a direct result of this concept. You can read about pickup and think about pickup as much as you want but if you're not actually out there taking chances with it you are not going to improve at all. And if all you're thinking about is 'your main squeeze' it's going to be impossible to apply this vital perspective.

And perhaps the most important reason for having multiple prospects is this: your behavior and your energy will change for the better without even thinking about it. If you really think about it, we are strategically placing ourselves in the same mindset that beautiful women are in. These kinds of ladies have enough guys after them that they can't even stay organized and flake by default much of the time. This is one of the reasons I purposely schedule many of my 'dates' with different women for the same evening. (A technique I discuss more in 'No Flakes') Now the situation is flipped and I am having to cancel
with them. Your aura itself is different; it is free (or freer) of any hint of desperation or neediness. The more prospects you have on your plate, the less anxiety you will experience over any one of them. And as women are typically more intuitive than men, they will most certainly pick up on this.

In other words the more women I am gaming, the better my success rate is with them. So to the man who says, "No, I just want to find the one girl for me!" I say in response: You'll have a much better chance of finding her if you're exploring multiple options, and she will probably be much more receptive to you because of the positive changes in your behavior as a result of having those options.

Have fun,

Julian Foxx


To discover the latest dating tactics for men,
go to


January 26, 2009

Flirting with Your 'Bedroom Eyes'

Pick-up Artists need different ways on how to express sexual interest directly. But should also need to have an 'escape hatch' if girls calls us out on it. That was an advice from the Pickup Artist himself, Julian Foxx. Ever since I came across to his site,, I suddenly admired his style in attracting women. One of his dating tips for men is to use the common technique that he called, 'Bedroom Eyes:'

An abundance of masculine energy and sexual intensity can carry out a lot of things; it lets her know that you are A MAN and not apprehensive in showing that. In fact, it is one of the most effective actions to aloow rapid jumps towards intimacy.

So as PUA's we need various styles and tricks to express overt sexual interest but also have an 'escape hatch' if she calls us out on it.

Let's talk about a very widely used technique we utilize to convey sexual interest...'Bedroom Eyes:'

One obvious benefit about sustained 'bedroom eye' contact is it's certainly not gonna land you in the friendzone.

And I'm a strong advocate that you should go practice in front of a mirror or a good buddy. (Just try not to start kino-ing them;)

For me, 'Bedroom Eyes' feels something like this:

- My head is often cocked slightly to the side or back as if I'm examining her

- My head can be still but can also have slow sustained movement

- The lids of my eyes are easy and relaxed, not wide eyed

- I'm not afraid to hold her gaze just slightly longer than what is 'socially acceptable'

- I drink in her eyes and relish the moments when she breaks the eye contact first

- My subtext is: "You have me intrigued...if I like you enough, I will give you the best sex you've ever had...maybe..."


Even after you get really good at doing this you will almost always get called out on it by her, particularly if you are with her for an extended period of time.

Here is a brilliant counter I developed to deal with her when she does:

*What's below should all be playful, and you should really get her to do it*

Her: "You keep looking at me with this sexy stare."
You: "What are you talking about?"
Her: "Yeah, you keep looking at me...I don't know..."
You: "Ok, since I have no idea what you're talking about, can you show me what I am supposedly doing?"
Her: "I'm not sure if I can imitate it."
You: "Come onnnn, show me;) Let's see this look you SAY I'm giving you."

*she imitates*

You: "Oh my God. That might be the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Is that I how I look to you when I'm doing it? Wow. You should keep on doing that!"

She will laugh, but the laugh is not the real payoff. You have now started a game with her that you will continue throughout the interaction, periodically getting her to show you the 'look' again...

The trick is now you've got HER giving YOU bedroom eye contact too which accomplishes 3 things:

1. You've got yourselves a fun little game you can always go back to.

2. This kind of play amplifies the sexual chemistry.

3. Her imitating the face actually reinforces in her mind that she really is interested in you.




Julian Foxx is considered by many to be the fastest Rising Star in the pickup artist and dating community. His jaw dropping effectiveness with women is matched only by his ability to innovate powerful new techniques, giving their user a ridiculously unfair advantage. Check out and read Julian's controversial ideas on the Mystery VH1 show 'The Pickup Artist' at
Looks easy, huh. But let's not risk it. We might blow the whole flirting plan, practice still makes it perfect. I think I'd prefer practicing it in front of the mirror, though.


January 22, 2009

Menstruation and Sexuality

For a fact, women's menstruation may ruin your date. But did you know that women's menstruation has something to do with their preferences with men? Here's an interesting article that explains it best:

I've always been fairly attached to my face but one certainly wouldn't describe it as overly 'masculine'. My lips are puffy and red, I don't have the square jaw line that John Cena or a typical linebacker has, my cheekbones are higher and my skin is soft and properly moisturized;) Basically I possess (along with many men) some facial characteristics that could be perceived as more 'feminine'. The significance is this: Scientific research shows that women are more attracted to the 'alpha' (that is, very masculine) facial features on a man when they are ovulating and thus more likely to conceive. Conversely, they are more attracted to the 'feminine' facial features on a man when they are menstruating and thus less likely to become pregnant. When I first discovered this I was a bit disappointed but eventually it dawned on me that I still had just as wide a window of opportunity as my more masculine faced friends did because ovulation and menstruation last for about the same amount of time. In fact, I realized I had one major advantage: although I will spend a lot more money on new bedding than Lou Ferrigno ever did, I am a lot less likely to have an unwanted pregnancy.

As intriguing as this all sounds, it is how we put this knowledge into action that makes the difference. Here are the two things you must do to harness and wield this knowledge:

1. Know thyself.

Our inherited bone structure primarily influences the shapes of our faces. Most men have one of seven facial shapes (oblong, round, triangular, square, pear-shaped, rectangular, diamond or a combination of shapes). Go check yourself in front of the mirror and be attentive to the details. Is your jawline wide and square or slimmer and perhaps more heart shaped? Are your lips narrow or pouty? Look at the line of your brow, does it hang over your eyes or is it flatter making your eyes more visible? Be honest with yourself. Decide where you fall on the continuum of facial features. It's not important where you fall. It only matters that YOU know where you fall.

2. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again in two weeks.

If you blow a chance to get laid, or fail to even get her to show up for a meeting, all is not lost. If you have stronger facial features it is very possible that your timing was a little off and she had just begun her period. (Hence she was probably with me.) Clearly the opposite scenario is just as likely to happen. The real key here is developing solid 'follow up' game. If you have the text/phone skills to keep her on the hook for the next couple of weeks you may just find success as she enters the next stage of her cycle. Let's be clear: you don't HAVE to wait two weeks after a failure to try again. You don't HAVE to exclusively target girls on their period if you look like Elijah Wood. These tools are meant to boost your awareness, tighten your calibration, and add rocket fuel to your determination. I have always been a firm believer of persistence, and now we have one more biological justification not to give up.

Have fun,

Julian Foxx


Julian Foxx is considered by many to be the fastest Rising Star in the pickup artist and dating community. His jaw dropping effectiveness with women is matched only by his ability to innovate powerful new techniques, giving their user a ridiculously unfair advantage. Check out and read Julian's controversial ideas on the Mystery VH1 show 'The Pickup Artist' at
This is the first time that I knew of this fact and just as what the author indicated, this should not discourage us. It's just a simple addition to our knowledge.