October 14, 2009

Julian Foxx: The Fastest Rising Pickup Artist

There are many popular pickup artists in the dating community. Most of them gives trainings and organizes bootcamps. Among these pickup artists, Julian Foxx is said to be the fastest rising star. Main reason could be the fact that he has beaten Mystery in a friendly Pickup challenge. The video has surfaced all over the internet and there were even rumors that Neil Strauss and/or Mystery is going to sue him. But that remained to be just a rumor.


You may have been impressed with the works of David DeAngelo or Mystery's live video footage but you will be more impressed with Julian's dating techniques. He has already proven his efectiveness as a pickup artist in his pickup challenge video with Mystery. His "7 Killer Dating Tactics You Haven't Heard Before" newsletter has been very helpful to guys who have subscribed in them - and that's for free. Check it out at his website, julianfoxx.com.

Julian Foxx is also one of the top speakers at The 21 Convention, the leading men's success convention. Speakers share their knowledge and expertise to help men succeed with women. He also had collaborations with his fellow pickup artist, Vin DiCarlo. You will see some of their videos discussing about phone game and getting rid of "flakes."

While some men still doubt his pickup techniques, more and more guys actually believe that he's good and he's got unique strategies in pickup.

