This dating advice is called, 'Yourspace IS Myspace' technique. Obviously you will have to indulge yourself into some social networking sites or online dating profiles like myspace, facebook, etc. to make this technique work.
Let's take a look at this typical seduction scenario...
Once you have been able to get her number, you will either start to text or call her, getting her on the phone. Either you text or call her, your goal is to find out specific things about her like the things she's interested to or passionate about.
Learn from these few examples that you should be after:
'She loves The Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger, she craves for a strawberry ice cream, she is into photography, etc.'
Meanwhile, as we progressively collect these information from her, we should also be simultaneously logged in to our Myspace account. What do we do then? If you guessed to quickly edit our personal details, then you got it right, we should match it to hers.
But you should not of course copy it plainly. Use more of your imagination here. For example, if she said she loves The Dark Knight movie because of Health Ledger, put in your profile that The Dark Knight is one of your favorite movies. Then add in parenthesis - (Heath Ledger made it more fantastic).
Next thing to do after gathering two or more personal information from her, accuse her of stalking into your myspace profile (remember that you should have already made the changes in your profile by this time).
You can tell her that you already think she's awesome and she don't have to pretend that she has all of those things in common with you. Naturally, she might sound surprised and deny it. Then you can reply back "okkk..." still with a tone of disbelief. When she asks for your myspace, reply something like, "I think you already know, but just for kicks its******." She will then check on it and will be totally surprised.
You may realize at this point that you already have created an instant bonding between the two of you. So, in this technique, she did not only buy it but you will have a higher perceived status because she still have to persuade you that she was not trying to seduce you.
At some point, do acknowledge with her that there is something pretty special going on and discard first the 'playful suspicion.'
Now when you reach the point where you both get excited about the things you have in common, it is a good opportunity for you to make plans for your date. Good thing about this is that you will have various options as to what to do with her; meet in an ice cream parlor, watch a movie, etc. The point here is that you have an idea on what to do together simply because "you both love so many similar things."
I told you this technique can be considered a bit underhanded, not to mention, cheesy. But what matters is most is that it works!
You do have to make sure that your Facebook or Myspace profile settings that allow people to see when you've made updates to your profile is off. Also, it is very important that she has never really seen your profile yet.
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