February 22, 2010

How Pickup Artists Became Experts in Dating

With the advent of technology, many have become a couch potato at an early age which is one of the reasons why they become shy and are not active with their social life. There are a lot of men who are lousy with girls especially those who we call, nerds. Women don't even notice them around because they seem to have their own world.

When the pickup artist or the seduction community was born in the early nineties, these "nerds" or just the shy ones have been given the chance to be an expert when it comes to girls. A lot of these men has been unbelievably transformed into a chic magnet. David DeAngelo himself claims that he failed on girls as well before he learned about the art of pickup.

When Vh1 launched The Pickup Artist show with Mystery, the community has been more popularized and more men became involved. Today, men whom girls thought were lousy, nerd, weird, and some they haven't even recognized, have now evolved into some girls' magnet. At first, I thought it was exaggerated. I know that people can develop their confidence, but to turn some nerd or weirdo into a chic magnet is another story. But when I started to search for more information about it, I have seen how it could all be possible. I have also read some reviews about the Double Your Dating ebook by David DeAngelo and I guess that must really be a good read. Though I'd prefer attending bootcamps or seminars rather than reading an e-book.

With the help of master pickup artists, men can really develop their dating skills. I have watched a convention attended by Julian Foxx and other PUAs. I admit I was impressed with their crafts. There are a lot of things that we have taken for granted and never took notice of it. Men need to understand a lot of things to know how to get a girl for a date. If you do not know how menstruation affects the girls' preference for men, then you gotta ask Julian Foxx about it.

I guess these things that PUAs teach are not only for men who wants to be like them. These are also for men who are looking for a long-term relationship and wants to improve themselves. By gaining more trust and self-confidence, they can have the courage to approach girls and the skills to attract them.

