February 26, 2010

Dating Tips For Men: Learning The Art of Pickup


If you have seen the vh1 show, The Pickup Artist, you will have an idea about what pickup is all about. The reality show is composed of male contestants who have been unsuccessful when it comes to dating with women. On the show, they were taught by Mystery and his guys about the art of pickup.

Off-screen, pickup is a bit different. There may be competition among men, but they are not on a contest. Men who are involved in pickup are mostly pickup artists. They are already skilled in dating with women. Some of them were also unsuccessful with girls but managed to learn how to pickup women and became an expert on it.

The pickup artist community is not only for skilled men. Those who were unsuccessful with girls are already joining the community by trying to improve themselves. Pickup is not just about using the cocky and funny technique by David DeAngelo, the mystery method, or any techniques thereof. Sure you can use them but there are a lot of things that you should know and master before you can pickup girls easily. You don't have to join the reality tv show, The Pickup Artist, just to learn the art of pickup. Today, there are a lot of ways on how to do it:

1. Seminars. By attending seminars and conventions, you will gain more knowledge about pickup. The more ideas you have about the pickup community subculture, the more you will be prepared. I would suggest going to conventions or seminars attended by pickup artists themselves and not just gurus or teachers. Pickup artists usually share infield footage, experience, and their own techniques in dating women.

2. Bootcamps. A lot of pickup artists organize a bootcamp. Here, you will get proper training in pickup. You will also get a chance to see them pickup random women in any location. This is a good opportunity to see how they do the pickup and learn from it. Plus, you also get to do it yourself - practice what you have learned.

3. Workshops. Pickup artists offers workshops or trainings. There is nothing more advantageous than being trained by a pickup artist. These workshops are not only about how to's with women but also improving yourself.

4. Online. The internet is where you can get a lot of ideas, articles, opinions, facts, live footages, and just about everything about the art of pickup. There are e-books available from gurus like David DeAngelo. You may also subscribe to pickup artists' newsletter to get updated by them. These newsletters are full of tips from pickup artists so they're quite helpful.

You may have heard a lot of things about the art of pickup. Often, pickup artists talk about how they could easily approach a woman and end up going to bed with them. Perhaps that is what attracts most men in the art of pickup.

