October 26, 2009

Mystery: World's Greatest Pickup Artist?

If you're watching VH1's The Pickup Artist Reality Show, then you may well know Mystery the pickup artist. Aside from being featured in the VH1 reality show, he is also a main character in the book, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss.

Mystery regarded himself as the "world's greatest pickup artist" although some may disagree. There are a lot of pickup artists in the seduction community and some of them may be greater than him when it comes to picking up girls. But that can really be a subjective matter.

Though some guys (or even girls) would not agree with Mystery as the world's greatest pua, his works and contributions in the community are indeed remarkable. The Mystery Method, for one, has been proven to be very useful and effective in pickup. He has also contributed some terms or jargons in the community:
  • Set - A group of two or more people which a man would have to approach and befriend in order to be able to woo his "target" girl. "Beautiful women are rarely found alone."
  • Peacocking - Dressing to stand out, or to have an item of clothing or an accessory that looks interesting, allowing the girl to comment on it if she is interested in starting a conversation with you.
  • The 3-second Rule - If you see a girl you are interested in, you must approach her within three seconds or you will over-think things and create too much approach anxiety and analysis paralysis, and you will risk her seeing you staring at her.
  • Neg - A backhanded compliment intended to snub a potential mate ("target"), telegraph a lack of interest ("false disqualification"), encourage the target to prove her worth ("qualify"), and simultaneously disarm 'obstacles' such as protective male or female friends.

  • source: wikepedia.org
Mystery is one of the founders of the Mystery Method Corporation. In 2006 Mystery left the company and ventured on his own company called Venusian Arts. The Mystery Method Corp. has since changed its name to Love Systems.

Another contribution of Mystery in the community is his book, The Mystery Method: How to get Beautiful Women into Bed.

All the popularity of a pickup artist may go to Mystery but in reality, there are a lot of great pickup artists in the community who gives trainings and conducts bootcamps to help guys in developing their dating skills. Some guys would prefer to go with underground puas because of Mystery's overexposure and too much commercialization.

Mystery is not the only one who has had great contributions in the community. Dating coach, David DeAngelo, had significant contributions in the community as well as Neil Strauss.


October 14, 2009

Julian Foxx: The Fastest Rising Pickup Artist

There are many popular pickup artists in the dating community. Most of them gives trainings and organizes bootcamps. Among these pickup artists, Julian Foxx is said to be the fastest rising star. Main reason could be the fact that he has beaten Mystery in a friendly Pickup challenge. The video has surfaced all over the internet and there were even rumors that Neil Strauss and/or Mystery is going to sue him. But that remained to be just a rumor.


You may have been impressed with the works of David DeAngelo or Mystery's live video footage but you will be more impressed with Julian's dating techniques. He has already proven his efectiveness as a pickup artist in his pickup challenge video with Mystery. His "7 Killer Dating Tactics You Haven't Heard Before" newsletter has been very helpful to guys who have subscribed in them - and that's for free. Check it out at his website, julianfoxx.com.

Julian Foxx is also one of the top speakers at The 21 Convention, the leading men's success convention. Speakers share their knowledge and expertise to help men succeed with women. He also had collaborations with his fellow pickup artist, Vin DiCarlo. You will see some of their videos discussing about phone game and getting rid of "flakes."

While some men still doubt his pickup techniques, more and more guys actually believe that he's good and he's got unique strategies in pickup.


October 09, 2009

Dating Techniques From Experts

Its no secret that a lot of guys need help when it comes to dating. Most of them may not show or admit it. The internet is a good source of information and good thing about it is that you can keep your identity. In searching for different dating tips for men, a lot of you could have found out some secrets on dating, the dos and don’t, facts or trivias about girls, and of course different techniques.

Perhaps you may have also known or maybe even met some of the popular gurus like Neil Strauss, author of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Societies of Pickup Artists and David DeAngelo, author of Double Your Dating ebook, and pickup artists like Mystery and Julian Foxx. Each of these personalities have different ideas, techniques, or tips on how to pickup girls.

The tips that you can find in the internet are mostly basic. If you really want to learn and develop a more advanced dating skills, you have to go to the professionals – dating gurus or pickup artists. They usually have schools, organize a bootcamp, provide materials for learning, and other stuffs that would help their students improve in dating. Working with the professionals, especially with the pickup artists, will give you an edge in dating. Not only that you will learn advanced techniques but you will have the chance to see a live demonstration from them. Another advantage is for you to be able to practice those techniques.

In all this hype about dating and pickup, I think its not all about learning those pickup lines or advanced techniques on how to attract women. It is also about developing yourself – boosting your confidence, improving your communication skills, and eliminating some of those old, not to mention, bad habits.
