April 05, 2010

How To Flirt With Women

It looks very easy for women to flirt with men. Maybe because men are easy to please and tempt. They can use their beauty and some "assets" to easily seduce men. Most of the time, they can naturally be flirts even if they don't mean to. While for men, even approaching women gives us an adrenaline rush.

If that is the case, dating can be harder compared to women. So men should learn how to flirt, too. Its not like showing some skin like women do. They can't be seduced in that way. The mystery method and other dating techniques might do but a little flirting will be easier and more fun. You do not have to follow the footsteps of David DeAngelo or "Penetrate the Secret Society of the Pickup Artists" like what Neil Strauss did.

Every man is capable of flirting in their own way. Sometimes, if they like a woman, they'd be a little show-off or they would act in an unusual way - either a bit shier or more hyped. But doing it the right way can be useful in winning her.

Some guys' flirting skills come out only when texting or when interacting online. But when put face-to-face, they become shy. These men will be outplayed by those who are more confident and up-front. If you get too flirtatious over text and not so much in real life, it will be a problem once you both start to go out on a real date.

In flirting, confidence is your best asset. If you think you do not have that, don't worry, it can be developed. Learn how to be confident and practice more often so that it would come out naturally when you attempt to flirt with someone.

Be very careful when you try to flirt. You should do it right or else it will be over. Giving too much of a complement to a woman might make her feel awkward. Timing is important. Also, play a little hard to get. It is more fun and it will make her want you more.

