March 16, 2010

How To Look Good To Attract Women

Men get easily attracted to beautiful and sexy women. But it doesn’t work that way for them. They get more attracted to your personality rather than your face and figure (though it would be an added bonus for them if you look good). Take a look at David DeAngelo. He doesn’t look like a pickup artist but he’s an expert in dating.

Although the truth is, appearance of men also matters for women in a somehow different way. If the first thing you check on a woman is her face or breasts, women would check on little but important details like your tidiness. It would be a total turn-off if they see that your fingernails are dirty. Women check out our looks in a different way.

Usually, being cocky & funny isn’t enough in attracting women. If you think you have succeeded on attracting a woman by that technique of David DeAngelo, do not be too confident yet. Once she sees your dirty shoes or even your lousy attire, she would easily get turned-off.

Pickup and seduction is not just about dating techniques, you should take care of yourself, too. If there is anything about your physical appearance that isn’t attractive, or might put women off, do something about it. If you feel that you don’t have a sense of fashion, try searching for what’s IN for men right now. Observe how other men choose their outfit. If you have a bad breath, try to get rid of it. Even just taking care of your hygiene would help a lot on improving your physical appearance.

You don’t need to spend much in taking care of yourself, especially your hygiene. It is actually one of the dating techniques used by other men and maybe even some pickup artists. It will not also take much of your time to make yourself look clean like shaving, brushing your teeth, polishing your shoes, and stuffs like that. Try to find that article from the pickup artist, Julian Foxx, about taking care of your hygiene. It is where I have learned the importance of our hygiene. They were just simple tips but they can create a great impact on women.

So aside from learning dating techniques, you should also start learning on how to make yourself look good at least by being neat and clean. The mystery method and other dating techniques can be effective in attracting ladies, but it would be more effective if you make yourself look good and presentable.